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WIPTTE 2015 High School Contest

Stephanie Valentine, Hannah Conrad, Cassandra Oduola, Tracy Hammond
Zu finden in: Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink (Seite 345 bis 364), 2016 local 
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Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink

The WIPTTE High School Contest was held on the first day of the WIPTTE conference on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, Washington. The High School Contest is an annual event originating in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University, which extended into the WIPTTE conference. 2015 marked the second year of the WIPTTE High School Contest. During the contest, high school students participate in an intense day of brainstorming, design, prototyping, and presentation to compete against top schools across the United States. Nineteen high school and middle school students combined into four teams from two different schools: Renton Prep from Renton, WA, and University Prep from Seattle, WA. The high school students participated in many elements of WIPTTE throughout the Contest, including watching and commenting on the opening keynotes and presenting for the entire WIPTTE audience. Additionally, many students were able to participate in all three days of the conference. The students were active and engaged in the WIPTTE community, particularly while providing valuable feedback during the You-Try-It sessions.

Von Stephanie Valentine, Hannah Conrad, Cassandra Oduola, Tracy Hammond im Konferenz-Band Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink (2016) im Text WIPTTE 2015 High School Contest

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