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Nomadology: A Lens to Explore the Concept of Technological Literacy

John R. Dakers
Zu finden in: Handbook of Technology Education (Seite 17 bis 31), 2017 local web 
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Handbook of Technology EducationHow does one learn to become technologically literate - and how does one teach a young person to become technologically literate? These are the questions that this chapter will consider. There have been many attempts over the past few decades, to incorporate the concept of technological literacy into the various extant technology education paradigms around the world. It appears from research, as well as a variety of anecdotal evidence, that this appears to be a universal goal for technology education. However, despite the many publications that offer a variety of ways and means as to how this might be achieved, something or many things appear to get in the way of the augmentation of technological literacy in the classroom. This chapter will discuss what these barriers might be and in so doing, offer a new and alternative pedagogy that attempts to overcome some of these roadblocks. Deleuze and Guattari´s concept of Nomadology will be fused with the educational philosophy of Célestine Freinet, to offer a potential pedagogic framework that, if adopted, may help resolve the problems associated with the delivery of technological literacy in the classroom.
Von John R. Dakers im Buch Handbook of Technology Education (2017) im Text Nomadology: A Lens to Explore the Concept of Technological Literacy

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