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Industry Involvement in Technology Education

Gabriele Graube, Ingelore Mammes
Zu finden in: Handbook of Technology Education (Seite 843 bis 856), 2017 local web 
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Handbook of Technology EducationIndustry 4.0 is omnipresent and describes the optimization of production through establishing communication between humans and machines. Hereby it repositions the human in the socio-technological framework of the digital world. Such a shift in roles, among others from being a user to being a creator, also has to lead to changes in technological education and convey necessary skills and competencies in order to make people capable of acting in such a socio-technological system. In the background of Industry 4.0, technological processes are hardly visible in school education. The illustration of the processes is complex and needs adequate equipment and expertise. Schools can hardly afford those challenges. Thus, it has to be discussed if and how companies can get involved in this mission of education, especially because they need qualified employees.
Von Gabriele Graube, Ingelore Mammes im Buch Handbook of Technology Education (2017) im Text Industry Involvement in Technology Education

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