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Technological learning and educational management ecosystems

Thirteen characteristics for efficient design
Ramon Marti, Merce Gisbert, Virginia Larraz
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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A technological learning and educational management ecosystem is the community of information systems that interact with each other and with external ones in order to answer to all the processes involved in an educational institution. It may be viewed as a complex system whose level of complexity depends on the technological subsystems, the interactions generated between them, and the processes supported by the ecosystem. In order to design it, we must talk about an ecosystem’s architecture that must allow an efficient governance. We propose a series of attributes that a learning and management ecosystem must possess in order to provide an efficient and sustainable response to all the strategic, fundamental and support procedures involved in every process associated with an educational institution. Our main objective is to present educationalists responsible for designing a technological ecosystem with resources in the form of characteristics that should be satisfied in order to enable the ecosystem to be deployed successfully. Our proposed model is scalable as it can be applied to different scenarios with different dimensions, from a regional or national educational system to a school or university.
Von Ramon Marti, Merce Gisbert, Virginia Larraz im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Technological learning and educational management ecosystems

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Hochschulehigher education institution , open data , Universitätuniversity


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