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Understanding our Human Resources

District Leadership-Efforts at Understanding CS Education Implementation in Their Own Buildings
Leigh Ann DeLyser, Stephanie Wortel-London, Lauren Wright, Anisa Bora
Zu finden in: ICER 2019, 2019
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Computer science education research has primarily focused on teacher and student outcomes. Both teachers and students move through educational systems that have both direct and indirect effects on equity, quality, and implementation. Prior research has shown that there is a gap in enthusiasm and perception of importance of CS education between teachers and school leadership [2]. Additionally, many CS education studies have reported teacher attrition after professional development due to institutional barriers [3,4]. The recent report released by Google [2] mentions implementation 34 times and highlights the barriers faced by teachers and students when the systems are not aligned with the goals of individuals.

In this poster we present data from 63 district teams participating in CSforALL SCRIPT workshops [1]. During the workshops, teams were asked to self-assess against a rubric signposting the growth toward high-quality CS education implementation and set goals for themselves to increase rigorous CS education instruction and equitable participation of students. This paper analyzes a subset of the 1023 goals collected by CSforALL to date [5], specifically focused on the goals related to landscaping, or district identification of resources and needs. This data corpus is comprised of 98 goals set by 38 school districts. Analysis takes a mixed methods approach, sharing quantitative data about the focus of the goals, as well as a qualitative analysis of how leadership teams sought to gain information about their own implementation.

Von Leigh Ann DeLyser, Stephanie Wortel-London, Lauren Wright, Anisa Bora im Konferenz-Band ICER 2019 im Text Understanding our Human Resources (2019)

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Informatikcomputer science , Informatik-Unterricht (Fachinformatik)Computer Science Education

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