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The Paradoxical Brain

Narinder Kapur , local 
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The Paradoxical BrainThe Paradoxical Brain focuses on the phenomenon whereby damage to the brain can actually result in enhancement of function, questioning the traditional belief that lesions or other negative effects on the brain will result in loss of function. The book covers a wide range of topics by leading researchers, including:
  • Superior performance after brain lesions or sensory loss
  • Return to normal function after a second brain lesion in neurological conditions
  • Paradoxical phenomena associated with human development
  • Examples where having one disease appears to prevent the occurrence of another disease
  • Situations where drugs with adverse effects on brain functioning may have beneficial effects in certain situations
A better understanding of these interactions will inform new rehabilitation approaches and the implementation of new therapeutic strategies. It will be of interest to those working at the interface of brain and behaviour, including neuropsychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists and neuroscientists.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Paradoxical Brain (2011)

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KB IB clear
bias , confirmation bias , Gehirnbrain , Problemlösefähigkeitproblem solving skills , Serotonin

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The Paradoxical Brain E - - 0 0521115574 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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