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Mental Models

30 Thinking Tools that Separate the Average From the Exceptional. Improved Decision-Making, Logical Analysis, and Problem-Solving.
Peter Hollins , local 
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Mental ModelsMental models are like giving a treasure map to someone lost in the woods. They provide instant understanding, context, and most importantly, a path to the end destination. Now imagine having such a map for all problems and decisions in your life.
Battle information overwhelm, focus on what really matters, and make complex decisions with speed and confidence.
Mental Models: 30 Thinking Tools sheds light on true intelligence: it's not about knowledge and knowing the capitals of all the countries in the world. It's about how you think, and each mental model is a specific framework on how to think smart and with insight. You can approach the world by trying to analyze each piece of information separately, or you can learn mental models that do the work for you.
Von Klappentext im Buch Mental Models (2019)

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Elon Musk

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Denkenthinking , Eisenhower-Matrix , Modellemodel , Ockhams RazorOckhams Razor , Regression , Sturgeon's Law

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Mental Models D - - 0 1093915684 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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