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OLPC One Laptop per Child Project

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OLPC, One Laptop per Child Project, 100$-Laptop, 100$ Laptop


Mark WarschauerThe One Laptop per Child (OLPC) program is one of the most ambitious educational reform initiatives the world has ever seen. The program has developed a radically new low-cost laptop computer and aggressively promoted its plans to put the computer in the hands of hundreds of millions of children around the world, focusing on those in the most impoverished nations. Though fewer than two million of the OLPC’s XO computers have been distributed as of this writing, the initiative has caught the attention of world leaders, influenced developments in the global computer industry, and sparked controversy and debate about the best ways to improve the lives of the world’s poor.
Von Mark Warschauer, Shelia R. Cotten, Morgan Ames im Text One Laptop per Child Birmingham (2012)


Nicholas NegroponteIt's an education project, not a laptop project.
Von Nicholas Negroponte, erfasst im Biblionetz am 09.12.2007
Whatever happens to the XO, OLPC has changed the industry.
Von Bryan Appleyard im Text Why Microsoft and Intel tried to kill the XO $100 laptop (2008)
The Charisma MachineTo date, OLPC has sold less than three million laptops, more than 80% of them to projects in Latin America—far from the hundreds of millions that Negroponte envisioned.
Von Morgan Ames im Buch The Charisma Machine (2019)
Mark WarschauerIn summary, OLPC represents the latest in a long line of technologically utopian development schemes that have unsuccessfully attempted to solve complex social problems with overly simplistic solutions.
Von Mark Warschauer, Morgan Ames im Text Can One Latop Per Child Save The World's Poor? (2010)
Nicholas Negroponte
  • ZEIT: Die Laptops sollen in Schulen an die Kinder ausgehändigt werden. Heißt das, dass es Aufsicht und Lehre gibt?
  • Negroponte: Nein. Die Schulen sind lediglich Distributionspunkte.
  • ZEIT: Also sollen die Kinder den Laptop gar nicht zur Schule bringen?
  • Negroponte: Doch, aber Schule in Entwicklungsländern ist kurz, manchmal nur stundenweise.
Von Nicholas Negroponte, Christine Brinck im Text Jedem Kind seinen eigenen Laptop (2007)
While the functionality of the CL1 is similar to an ordinary notebook PC, it was designed with One Laptop per Child as a laptop for elementary school children. The foremost goal of the hardware design was low power operation. To achieve this goal, the CL1 incorporates novel technologies such as a color/monochrome dual mode TFT LCD display, and networking and display controllers capable of independent operation.
im Text CL1 Hardware Design Specification (2007)
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.Several studies have documented the failure – in particular for girls – of the One Laptop Per Child and related models focused on hardware to improve learning outcomes (Evans and Yuan, 2021; Gupta and Sarin, 2022; Jordan and Myers, 2022). Reasons for failure include overambitious costing plans, unsustainability in local contexts and inadequate integration into pedagogical processes (Ames, 2019; Souter, 2021).
Von UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org. im Buch Technology in education: A Tool on whose Terms? (2023) im Text Teaching and Learning
Mark WarschauerThe OLPC program represents a marriage of Negroponte’s digital utopianism and the constructionist learning theory of Seymour Papert, Negroponte’s longtime colleague at MIT. Papert views learning as highly dependent on students constructing ideas and individual laptop computers as essential for carrying out such construction in today’s world. He argues that having several students share a computer is as inadvisable as having multiple students share a single pencil.4 In the OLPC program, Negroponte, Papert and others sought to develop and distribute a low-cost “children’s machine” that would empower youth to learn without, or in spite of, their schools and teachers.
Von Mark Warschauer, Morgan Ames im Text Can One Latop Per Child Save The World's Poor? (2010)
Joachim WedekindIn der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung ist das OLPC-Projekt häufig auf die Entwicklung des XO-Laptops reduziert (deutlich wird dies z.B. bei der Vermarktung von Konkurrenzprodukten in der Klasse der Netbooks, wie etwa Intels Classmate-PC oder Asus Eee-PC). Es ist aber zu betonen, dass es sich primär um ein Bildungsprojekt mit einem durchgängigen Konzept handelt, bei dem der XO-Laptop ein zwar zentraler, aber eben nur ein Baustein ist. Der Ansatz insgesamt zielt ab auf die Entwicklung eines „Ökosystems“, bei dem Hard- und Software bereitgestellt werden, Lernmaterialien entwickelt und vorbereitende und begleitende Maßnahmen der Lehreraus- und Fortbildung organisiert werden. Das Projekt ist deshalb weit mehr als die „Beschaffung günstiger Hardware“!
Von Joachim Wedekind im Buch Bildung und Schule auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft (2010) im Text Ganz oder gar nicht
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.Peru had the largest One Laptop Per Child programme globally, with over 900,000 laptops distributed to rural, disadvantaged students (Trucano, 2012). An evaluation of data collected after 15 months of implementation in 318 rural primary schools showed that the programme had no positive impact on mathematics and language test scores, although there was some inconclusive evidence on positive effects on general cognitive skills. Implementation challenges and a lack of integration into existing pedagogical practices prevented learning gains. While the programme’s aim was for laptops to be used at home and at school, only about 40% of students were taking the laptops home. While the laptops were preloaded with age-appropriate e-books, a lack of internet access and interfaces meant that it was difficult for children to install other games or applications (Cristia et al., 2017). Teachers were trained to use the laptops and the software but less so to implement the programme in classroom work. In practice, laptops were being used to copy texts from the blackboard. Students also learned how to do creative activities, but there was little pedagogical work (Cueto, 2023).
Von UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org. im Buch Technology in education: A Tool on whose Terms? (2023) im Text Teaching and Learning

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Auf dem WWW OLPC Switzerland: OLPC Interest Group Switzerland ( WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW one laptop per child: Official Homeapge of the OLPC-Project ( WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Laptopgiving.org: Give one. Get One. ( WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2021-03-21 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2018-12-11)

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